Now, the time has come to talk of paint and property, of men and maintenance and gutters and gables.
Before I do, I want to say a word about moths, as spring could mean their return.
Moths are a problem in London that has increased in recent years. (Although as I amend this post it is January 2025 and the spring and summer of 2024 saw much less of those creatures)
This is how to win at eradication:
Buy Diatomaceous Earth and sprinkle it very lightly around where wool carpets meet skirting boards and anywhere you suspect there might be eggs or larvae. It won’t work well if you are heavy handed, so a light sprinkle only. You can also mix the powder with water and spray it-the residue is slightly visible on the carpets and woodwork but will wash wash off later. Much later, actually, as you want to leave it in place to continue working for some time. It will continue working indefinitely which is longer than chemical products. Meanwhile you and your infants can continue to crawl on the carpet without bother to health.