Today is New Year’s Day. Happy New Year and hope your dreams come true.
I’ve been reading up on light, after visiting the Einstein Museum in Bern two weeks ago.
So, I am happy to see the sun getting higher and brighter, allowing perception a sturdiness again. It feels like poetry-the shadows and colour and three-dimensionality of it all.
February brings hope. Too early to hope for an early spring, yet the sun-height in mid February is as mid-October. So that is progress.
I would like my moods to be independent of weather but they aren’t, so I rely on the future to return hope.
Planning future, I try to make my own mood.
Hope, when done well, is like having the future in the present.
Therefore I will make a new year’s resolution or two.
First off; look up the word.
Resolution -from resolve. Now there’s a word with an interesting etymology. From the Oxford Concise: “from Latin resolvere, from re- (expressing intensive force) + solvere ‘loosen’.
To loosen with intensive force- Wow. Powerful.
But I guess there’s nothing more powerful than a firm decision to carry out a dream or an intent. Or a wish-magical.
My top tip- if you will allow me, is not to rely on the magic alone. Write your resolution down on paper, amending it and adjusting until it really says in as few words as possible what you want to achieve.
Good luck and hope to see you in 2025.